💪 Teams

As you can read about in Development Philosophy we believe in empowered teams where everyone works together to solve the hard problems. As the teams should be empowered, we want as little management as possible, sharing the responsibility across the team rather than having a Team lead or a PM being the organiser of the day-to-day work.

We also want to keep as stable teams as possible, with a “you build it, you run it” mentality. This does not mean we will not occasionally bring people from different teams to work on something else for a while, but they should always return to their main team afterwards.

The organisation structure is not a static thing, and we must be able to revisit the plan and assess the structure as we mature and move forward.


🤓 Professions

Personnel responsible and professional coaching is handled within each profession.

Product, Design and Tech has C-suite executives that is responsible for the people, competence and performance of the employees with the profession.

In Tech, we have a dedicated Director of Engineering which handles these aspects on CTO’s behalf. This is caused by the volume of engineers that requires dedication in order to succeed with engineers thriving in the company. And the CTO is then able to handle the required focus on the Technology itself.

When required, the C will establish dedicated profession coaches within the organization to assure high quality coaching in specific fields (like Front-End Developent, etc.).

🌟 Profession Coach


We all have different skillsets, you might be a hardcore developer or a spectacular UX designer. To truly bring out the best from our people, we believe everyone needs to be coached by someone with the same interests and skillset.

Therefore, everyone with a specific role is assigned a corresponding Profession Coach and added to one of our Chapters .

This will not be a top-down relationship, where the Profession Coach shares their wisdom and gets nothing in return. Often there will be someone more experienced or competent in a certain technology. Then we will try to leverage that so that everyone can learn and improve from each other, not just from the Profession Coach.
