🌠 Chapters

Chapter is a collaborative group of individuals who share a common area of profession. These individuals come from various product teams, but they unite under the umbrella of a Chapter to collaborate, share knowledge, and advance their skills in a particular domain. A chapter is defined by:

At Kvikna we have the following Chapters:

Each Chapter maintains a Notion page that defines and informs of at least the following:

At Kvikna a Chapter consists of the following roles:

Chapter Lead

The Chapter Lead is a key figure within the Chapter, responsible for fostering a collaborative, innovative, and high-performing environment within their Chapter. Their primary objective is to support and empower individual team members, often referred to as "Chapter Members," in their professional development and in achieving the collective goals of the Chapter.

Chapter Steward

A Chapter Steward is a dedicated member of a Chapter within an organization, taking on specific responsibilities related to the Chapter's functioning and health. While not a formal leadership position like a Chapter Lead, the Chapter Steward plays a crucial supporting role to ensure that the Chapter operates effectively. In Kvikna the steward is often a member of the company leadership, therefore helping to bridge the gap between management and the Chapter, ensuring alignment with the organization's overall objectives.

Chapter Member

A "Chapter Member" refers to an individual who belongs to a specific functional or expertise-based group within the organization known as a "Chapter." These individuals are part of the Chapter because they share a common area of expertise related to the Chapter's focus.

Chapter Visitor

Each Chapter can call upon another member of Kvikna, or an external visitor, to attend a Chapter meeting. This may be to run a workshop, training or other form of knowledge sharing. The visitor is invited to a single chapter meeting, in advance, by the Chapter Lead.